Welcome to Fibro University

Get supported daily on your journey to fibromyalgia recovery.

Are You Ready To Heal?

These are scary and uncertain times, but this is our new normal.

Without the support network of a friends, a steady job, health insurance, or regular visits to your doctor or massage therapist, your fibromyalgia probably jumped from shitty to unbearable.

You may have shifted your priorities away from your health, especially if you’re a mom and your kiddos are home from school due to the COVID pandemic.

But now, more than ever, is the time you need emotional support, a way to blow off stress, and the freedom to explore options outside of mainstream medicine.

You don’t have to live in unbearable pain or wake up each morning from a sleepless night as a zombie. You don’t have to feel like a failure because you don’t have the energy to make any meals or clean the house. You can have a better life, even with fibromyalgia.

Recovery from fibromyalgia is possible.

Here's How Fibro University Can Help...

Hi, I’m Dr. Ross! I created the Fibro University Membership to help patients with fibromyalgia design a life that supports their progress to recovery – so you can feel connected, supported, and motivated every day.

Each month I deliver you brand-new content that’s easy to access on your computer, phone or tablet.

Fibro University at a Glance

Topics Covered in Fibro University